Crystal Springs/San Andreas Transmission System Upgrade Project

San Mateo County, CA; San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) [URS]; 2008 - 2015

The CSSATSU Project improves the reliability of the water system that supplies water to the Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant, and subsequently to SFPUC water customers susceptible a major seismic event. Participated as a key member of a team which provided full engineering design and construction support services for four major facilities within the peninsula raw-water system: Upper Crystal Springs Dam, Crystal Springs Outlet Structures, Crystal Springs/San Andreas Pipeline, and San Andreas Outlet Structures. Acted as the overall deputy program manager, lead project engineer for the San Andreas Outlet Structures, and overall CSSATSU Program hydraulic-design lead. The project included overhaul and replacement of water conveyance infrastructure, major underwater and above ground demolition & construction, dams, deep shafts, tunnels, pipelines, and major program activities such as interagency coordination, and lead technical services throughout design and construction. The $100M+ project is located directly adjacent to the San Andreas Fault and comprises all of the critical water infrastructure to supply San Francisco and the surrounding areas. The project gained Project of the Year recognition from the APWA for scope, scale and innovation.


Newell Creek Dam Emergency Reservoir Drawdown & Inlet/Outlet System Improvements


Upper Alameda Creek Diversion Dam, CA