Leading with Excellence
We will continue to grow & curate this collaborative platform to offer bespoke integrated program design & project implementation services. Insights have been taken through work in the non-profit, academic, R&D, public and corporate sectors to structure a hybrid operating model. The result is OurEnergy, a company with three core areas of practice:
Consulting Engineering & Advisory Services
Project Development & Investment
Non-profit & Philanthropic Direct Action
Through these three core functions, synergies form to achieve high impact work.
We serve clients and work with industry collaborators in a variety of energy, sustainable design, consulting, and construction projects, including:
Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
Green Building
Sustainable Systems & Strategy
Asset Management
Critical Infrastructure
Low Impact Development
Engineering Design - Our team provides detailed design and construction documents for small remote projects to complex utility and industrial facilities using state of the art design tools & techniques.
Development Engineering - technical and economic analysis, feasibility studies, and development support through all phases of planning, permitting and EPC.
Program Management & Construction Management (PM/CM) - Our team can integrate as an extension of your organization to assist in implementing visionary programs or manage construction projects from procurement to commissioning and successful operations. We assist in applying project planning & controls tools and experience to minimize, delays, optimize cost and performance, and achieve safety and other critical metrics for smooth project execution.
Owners, Investors, and Stakeholders require independent, unbiased and unaffiliated review and validation for capital investment risk management & decisions. We have served in this capacity for a diversity of clients providing independent analysis to support an efficient and thorough diligence process.
Business Strategy - We pride ourselves on a tireless effort of staying current on industry trends and knack for seeing around corners. We assist clients and partners with market entry/exit, strategic growth, investment, mergers & acquisitions and other strategic support to take their business to the next level. We are proud to have assisted numerous clients bring technologies to market, focus business development initiatives, and position for sustainable growth.
Energy & Sustainability Strategy - Increasingly, public agencies and private companies are integrating sustainability metrics into their practices and operating models. Be it for economic reasons, market strategy, or corporate sustainability reporting and core values, we have worked with startups to Fortune 200 companies to implement programs for compliance and visionary leadership.
Asset / Portfolio Management - We understand that optimal and efficient management of long-term assets is essential to maximizing performance and returns. Our role in the asset management value chain is to drive the analytics of past and predicted performance information and development of management strategy, programmatic evaluation and engagement of vendors and service providers structured to maximize value, and help integrate a proactive operational and management approach.
Technology Development & Commercialization - As seasoned project developers ourselves, we see part of our essential role in the advancement of our industry as contributing to new, more efficient, innovative and disruptive technologies. Having implemented solutions in so many different geographies, types and sizes, we offer insights to develop and improve emerging technologies, and to strategically bring them to market.
We put our investments where our values are and, when we feel the opportunity requires it, we will invest directly in projects, people, companies and technologies to make them a success.
Many of our partners and key collaborators are also running their own complimentary businesses and initiatives. We support each other through direct investment and contribution in each others’ work to collectively strengthen our collaborative network.
We are capable of being flexible and nimble in our approach, which may include:
Project development services at risk
Sweat equity partnership & Co-development
Direct capital investment
Promo / Pro-bono services
Our commitment to energy access, socio/economic justice, and environmental sustainability is demonstrated in part by our active engagement with nonprofit partners. An essential aspect of our collaborative platform is to leverage the network of organizations similarly committed to this work. We support the missions and direct impact of these organizations through contribution of our expertise and resources, our network, and direct financial support.
We serve clients and work with industry collaborators in a variety of energy, sustainable design, consulting, and construction projects, including:
Utilities - IOUs, IPPs, Munis, CCAs, Co-ops
Public agencies - Federal, Cities/Counties, Regional Districts
Private & Public Companies - from startups to fortune 500s
Campuses - Schools/Universities, Corporate & Industrial
Mission Critical Facilities
Remote communities and sites
We Focus Our Energies On
Three Main Industry Sectors:
Energy & Renewables
Green Building
Civil Infrastructure
Within these Industry Sectors, we offer unique capabilities
in several niche segments:

Brownfield Beneficial Reuse
Since the industrial revolution, sites that have been historically used for various industrial activities have left a patchwork of locations across the map scarred, contaminated and unsuitable for most modern uses. However, they may have excellent exposure to renewable energy sources such as the sun or wind. These sites offer a unique opportunity to develop renewable energy generating facility, avoiding the need to develop a “greenfield” site, while at the same time transforming them from a liability, to a revenue generating asset. A renewable energy project can in many cases be compatible with the site’s issues and even with its ongoing remediation. We have special experience doing so for Owner’s of such sites, including municipal landfills, superfund sites, Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) sites, and a host of others.
Resilient Local Energy
By contrast to larger centralized projects serving the broader grid or those remote to any particular load; these projects are intrinsically “local”, and provide unique benefit and added value.
Microgrids & smart distributed energy resources (DERs) - These projects are configured and delivered to provide renewable and resilient energy to specific loads in a local area. They may consist of hybrid power generation systems, energy storage, and controls to achieve specific operational requirements. These may be capable of standing-alone completely or during a grid disturbance, and may be capable if interacting with the broader grid. Additional benefits include avoided transmission system upgrades, avoided development of large greenfield sites, higher system efficiencies, and various community & local economic benefits.
Community Renewable Energy - Also known more widely as “Community Solar”, these projects allow members of a community to invest in and benefit from a local project, especially if their place of business or residence is not conducive to an on-site system.
Local Power Authorities - These include Community Choice Aggregations (CCAs), Municipal Utilities, and Co-ops. Projects are constructed within or near a Authority’s service territory and thereby contribute to that Power Authority’s renewable energy supply mix and other related local programs. Complimentary programs include EV adoption and other energy access, local capacity building and economic development.
Electrification and Renewable Fuels - Hydrogen, EVs, Biofuels, Waste to Energy, and other renewable sources, energy carriers, storage, and efficiency strategies are the future of transport, power generation, distribution and end use. Conversion from traditionally fossil powered uses will proliferate to achieve decarbonization throughout the energy value chain. We strive to take a holistic approach to every project and integrate solutions that will embrace this transition and stand the test of time.
Tribal Energy Independence - Native American Tribes have an opportunity to take control of their energy resources to meet their goals and values. We have deep experience in leveraging strategic funding and implementing forward thinking projects & programs for indigenous and other under-served communities.
Island Energy - Island communities are on the front lines of climate change impact and conventional fossil fuel volatility. Likewise, these are the proving grounds for high penetration with renewables and new grid architectures. Our team has a long history of working on islands to implement appropriate solutions to achieve economic justice, reliability and sustainable self sufficiency.
International & Emerging Markets
In addition to our HQ in Santa Cruz, California, USA, we have operations in Dakar, Senegal and have established business in San Juan, Puerto Rico supporting our international work.
We are experienced in assembling teams to achieve results in remote project locations and emerging markets.

Geographic Reach
We have worked extensively throughout the Americas and in numerous locations overseas, including locations in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and on islands in the Asia-Pacific and Caribbean.
Our work and network of collaborators is not bound by any border.
We are committed to local impact and capacity building through local partnerships.

Quality & Safety
Ensuring quality, accuracy and safety through the course of all of our work is of paramount importance. This is engrained in our culture and values, and we have established internal processes and standards to efficiently integrate these practices into our work.
Our QA/QC is documented and traceable, refined through years of meeting the highest industry standards, and our safety protocols are evident and built into our work programs in the field.
We are trained and experienced in project and client account management, asset management, and project controls.
Our experience managing scope, schedule, budget, culture, and communications on complex projects helps to avoid pitfalls and delays for smooth project success.