AMCHAM Senegal

The Africa Subsidiary of OurEnergy (OurEnergy Africa, SARL) represented by our Managing Director, Sidy Mohamed Diouf, attended a meeting hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce of Senegal (AMCHAM Senegal) on March 23, 2022, at the Fleur de Lys hotel in Dakar.

The meeting was convened to welcome the new US Ambassador to the Republic of Senegal, His Excellency Mr. Michael Raynor and Mrs. Akunna Cook, Deputy Assistant of Foreign Affairs on her official visit to Senegal accompanied by the US Special Envoy to the African Union Mrs. Jessica Lapenn. The meeting was a great opportunity to connect and share perspectives on the current business environment in Senegal and Africa. This was also an opportunity for AMCHAM members to promote and voice their keen interest in seeing an increase in business partnership between Senegalese and the US.

Other US officials who attend the meeting were:

-US Embassy Dakar Economic Chief - Aysa Miller
-US African Union Political-Economic Counselor - Melissa Schumi Jones
-US Embassy Dakar Economic-Commercial Officer - Susan Phemister
-US Embassy Dakar Economic Specialist - Mame Khar Sarr

OurEnergy is proud to be contributing to the development of new, modern energy and sustainable infrastructure in Senegal and throughout the region. We are grateful for the support of AMCHAM and our other collaborating stakeholders and partners.


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